World known French chef

He has long devoted dietary education for children by offering classes to develop taste sense as well as served a grand chef when G8 summit.

Former Prime Minister

The first prime minister of Socialist Party

Olympic medalist (Gold, Silver and Bronze)

He got 9 medals, the most decorated player among Japanese, through Olympic and world championship.

Animation Creator (virtual character)

A lot of events have been held featuring the character all over the world such as in Europe, United States and Asian countries.

Comic artist

Comic is one of Japanese culture. It is known as Cool Japan.

Nobel Prize in chemistry Laureate

He gives speech on serendipity effect in dairy life as well as chemistry field.

Former Director of a famous Zoo in Japan

He made increase the number of visitors to the zoo drastically by changing the way to show animals; to more natural environment.
And boost the zoo that has the most visitors in Japan.

Honorary Chair of International Green Purchasing Network

Established various systems to aim sustainable society


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